Blog - Senior Care Innovation & Technology | Jubo Health Technologies

Senior Living Software: Is It Making a Difference?

Written by Jubo Health Technologies | Nov 27, 2023 10:37:00 PM

The world is moving at a pace of rapid technological advancement, touching every sphere of our lives. This new introduction steadily improves the way we work and its impact on our lives. So, it's not surprising that senior living softwares are becoming increasingly more popular.

According to research, 64% of Americans over 65 resort to senior care, hence the increasing need for senior health tech solutions.

This brings about the question of the impact of technology in senior healthcare and how it can make sure residents have better health outcomes. We may also wonder if introducing technology to the field would replace the role of human interaction with residents. The truth still lies in the fact that they both have a role to play, and the role of technology is what we intend to pursue.

So, what are the benefits of introducing senior care software into senior living communities?

Access to the data pool

According to World Health Organization data, by 2030, 1 in 6 people will be above age 60, hence the need for more admittance into senior care facilities.

We might have a high volume of residents if that is coupled with data on how many Americans choose to live in care homes. There might be an issue with keeping data on all residents when this happens.

With the appropriate tech for senior care communities, each piece of data can be easily stored and accessed to enable residents to get the exact care required.

For instance, electronic health records have significantly improved the senior healthcare sector. These records showcase residents' history, including medications and treatment plans which help improve resident care.

Tech devices for vitals monitoring

Tech devices in senior care are here to stay and are playing a vital role in senior healthcare. The health benefits these tech devices provide are numerous. Some of these devices are wearable and stylish while still tracking the wearer's vitals.

These wearable devices come with several functions which can collect data and transfer it to a data pool. When this happens, all resident's vital data can be pulled up without needing more tests or in cases of emergency.

No matter what health issues senior care residents may be undergoing, wearable devices could be a great option for them.

Stimulation and involvement

Being in a senior care community doesn't mean residents cannot participate in activities to boost their health and have fun. Senior health tech solutions are one way to ensure healthy residents.

According to a review in American Health Journal, games and activities play a role in improving residents' physical therapy and physical activities. The same review also showed that it played a role in pain distraction.

This view has been accepted and introduced into senior communities. However, better health outcomes can be achieved with more technological methods. Such as playing video games created to improve brain function or fitness videos to enhance strength.

Also, during lockdown, people depended on technology to see their family members. Research shows that residents' involvement and communication with their loved ones can help improve their mental health.

Early disease detection and control

One of the biggest issues the aging population faces is being susceptible to disease and sickness. Early detection can be essential in facilities that care for seniors and encourage visitors. With members of staff and residents informed, it is easy to maintain sanitary and safe health practices. However, visitors don't get that chance as they have been to several places before the visit.

This is where senior care software solutions come into play and ensure that visitors have followed due protocols and checks before contacting the residents. These apps keep tabs on visitors and help track them down later in case of an outbreak.

Also, technology such as family engagement apps provide families with the ability to schedule visits with their loved ones while streamlining staff workflows and necessary health updates that can be dispatched to all visitors. This way, visitors can be up to date on the latest events in the facility and the health of their loved ones.

Augmented and virtual reality

Various activities have been sidelined for most residents of senior care. This is usually due to ailments they have developed while aging. However, technology such as augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have become widely spread and have helped residents feel connected.

With so many possibilities while using AR and VR, residents can be put in states of tranquillity to help them relax, which will cause improvements in both mental and physical health.

According to a review on Frontiers, AR and VR help with psychotherapy and rehabilitation of senior care residents. Their fitness, memory, and motor abilities have shown improvement with monitored applications.

Reduction in human error

Medical malpractice in the US healthcare system is the third leading cause of death. However, information technology reduces medical errors and improves resident care. With electronic health records and other technological developments such as automated IV pumps, understaffed or overworked healthcare workers have little chance of making mistakes.

Our role in senior care

In today's competitive landscape, where families seek the best possible care for their loved ones, investing in senior care software and technologies becomes strategically imperative. By demonstrating a dedication to innovation and modernization, facilities not only attract new clients but also cultivate loyalty and satisfaction among existing residents and their families.

In essence, the pursuit of senior care technology solutions is not just about addressing immediate health needs; it's about fostering a culture of empowerment, excellence, and trust that resonates throughout the entire community.